Links - Benno Neeleman, photographer

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About 24000 people die every day of hunger-related causes. The majority of hunger deaths are caused by chronic malnutrition. By simply clicking  your mouse you can help those who suffer the most.

CORDAID is an international development organization based in the Netherlands. Cordaid puts heart and soul into its work for the poor and those who are deprived of their rights throughout the world and for social and economic justice

PHOTO PHILANTHROPY. Social change driven by Photography. Photography driven by social change

SOS CHILDRENS VILLAGES, a nongovernmental, social development organisation, was founded in 1949 with the aim of improving the lives of many deprived children after World War II.

THE PROGERIA FAMILY CIRCLE is a Foundation focusing on children suffering from the extremely rare Huchingson - Gilford-Progeria-Syndrome.

"ANYWHERE" is a selection of my work from the last 15 years, published with Visit their website to see the first 15 pages and order  a copy

TERRE DES HOMMES is a nonprofit organization that dedicates itself both in heart and soul to the realization of the rights of children worldwide.

PLAN INTERNATIONAL aims to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children in developing countries

WORLD PORTRAITS.  Fair trade photography.
Allowing people photographed to share in profits

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